Pitching to attract attention - ENG Mixte : présentiel / à distance

Dernière mise à jour : 07/02/2025

Bannière visuelle de présentation de la formation

Public visé


Anyone who wants to draw attention to a project, an idea or a product.

Objectifs de la formation

Pedagogical objectives

  • Gauging your ability to mobilize your audience
  • Grabbing their attention immediately with an issue that concerns them
  • Focusing on the essentials, simplifying the message
  • Using your presentation to bring value to the audience by enabling them to solve their problems
  • Applying pitch models practising pitching in different professional situations





Description / Content

Stage 1: What grabs attention

  • How can you lose your audience quickly? 
  • Why do some speeches attract attention and others not?
  • What are their key features?

Digital questions, collaborative workshops, Metaplan


Stage 2: Focusing on the essentials

  • What is an essential message?
  • How to summarise and narrow down?
  •  What is a tagline?

Application exercise: question pitch, one-word pitch, one-sentence pitch


Stage 3: Crafting your pitch

  • What is a pitch? 
  • How to arouse curiosity immediately : hook techniques
  • Why illustrate and tell a story to capture attention?

Pitch models to apply

Application exercises: building a pitch in teams


Stage 4Practising your pitch

  • A good pitch can be repeated
  • A good pitch can be reused and improved

A summary exercise based on a professional speech


Compétences acquises à l'issue de la formation

  • Keeping it short, focus on the essentials
  • Attracting curiosity immediately
  • Sparking the desire to find out more
  • Engaging my audience to get them on board with my idea, my project, my product
  • Making my audience active, encourage collaboration

Moyens et supports pédagogiques

Educational resources and supports

Slide show PPT​

Pedagogical video

Pedagogical Support 

Digital Tools (Mentimeter, WhiteBoard ...)

Modalités pédagogiques

Educational format

On site : one day 

Remote : 2 x 3,5 hours workshops viaTeams, GoogleMeet…​

Individual coaching if needed

Modalités d'évaluation et de suivi

Evaluation and monitoring methods

  • Exchange with trainer about expectations of the trainees
  • Evaluation of the trainees by the facilitator ​
  • Evaluation survey sent to the trainees at the end of the training

Informations sur l'accessibilité

Feel free to contact us on +33 1 47 66 25 20

M&A-SoftSkills Factory

Informations sur l'admission

Sur demande à notre chargée de formation par téléphone ou mail (délai d'accès et de réalisation).

Nos tarifs sont communiqués sur devis.