Practicing co-development - ENG Mixte : présentiel / à distance

Dernière mise à jour : 08/04/2024

Bannière visuelle de présentation de la formation

Public visé


Any company, entity or organisation wishing to develop practices of group solidarity and collective intelligence among peers to help resolve sensitive issues.

Objectifs de la formation

Pedagogical objectives

  • Developing mutual support and solidarity between peers
  • Strengthening collective intelligence
  • Applying a group problem-solving protocol


Description / Content

A half-day group workshop followed by one-hour sessions supervised remotely

Stage 1: Setting up co-development groups

  • What is the purpose of co-development?
  • What are the roles in a CODEV session? What are the stages?
  • What are the rules of exchange to be respected?
  • Organising the schedule for group sessions
  • Presentation of the protocol + practical application with the coach;

Stage 2: Supervising groups

The coach attends several group sessions remotely to:

  • assist the facilitator
  • reframe the protocol if necessary,
  • debrief the session with the facilitator and the group

Compétences acquises à l'issue de la formation

  • Debriefing the sessions
  • Leading the group session
  • Contributing effectively to solving the problem posed
  • Applying the protocol taught with a group of peers

Moyens et supports pédagogiques

Educational resources and supports

  • Slide show PPT​
  • Pedagogical Support
  • Digital Tools (Mentimeter, Jamboard ...)

Modalités pédagogiques

Educational format

On site or Remote : Workshop 3,5 hours and 3 workshops of 1 hour

Modalités d'évaluation et de suivi

Evaluation and monitoring methods

  • Self-positioning by participants on a digital platform shared with the trainer (at the beginning and end of the course)
  • Assessment by the trainer at the end of the course
  • On-the-spot assessment immediately after the course
  • REX - One-hour practice-sharing workshops one or two months after the initial training course
  • Post-training assessment one or two months after the course
  • Performance questionnaire sent to the customer three months after the course

Informations sur l'accessibilité

Feel free to contact us on +33 1 47 66 25 20

M&A-SoftSkills Factory