Dernière mise à jour : 23/01/2024
Sales teams in regular contact with customers or prospective customers. Expert staff in occasional contact with customers.
Pedagogical objectives
Description / Content
Stage 1: Creating opportunities
Workshop: changing our current practices;
Stage 2: Developing customer relations
Role-playing: informal discussions
Stage 3: Framing needs and requests
Role play: getting your customer or prospective customer talking;
Stage 4: Pitching what makes us special
Exercise: building a pitch in teams
Educational resources and supports
Educational format
On site : 1 or 2 days
Remote : 2 or 4 x 3,5 hours workshops viaTeams, GoogleMeet, Zoom…
Evaluation and monitoring methods
Feel free to contact us on +33 1 47 66 25 20
Sur demande à notre chargée de formation par téléphone ou mail (délai d'accès et de réalisation).
Nos tarifs sont communiqués sur devis.