Preventing and managing conflict - ENG Mixte : présentiel / à distance

Dernière mise à jour : 26/01/2024

Bannière visuelle de présentation de la formation

Public visé


Anyone who wants to support an employee or a team towards greater autonomy.

Objectifs de la formation

Pedagogical objectives


  • Understanding your own strategies in a conflict situation
  • Calming your emotions and those of the person you are talking to
  • Mastering NVC tools
  • Managing delicate situations and difficult personalities


Description / Content

Stage 1: What is a conflict and what are the different types of conflict? 

  • What are the different strategies used to deal with conflict and their consequences on relationships?
  • What are the factors that inflate conflict?

Discussions - Metaplan - Role-playing


Stage 2: Conflict and emotions

  • What is going on in the brain? 
  • The role of emotions and their impact on situations of conflict. 
  • How to ease interpersonal tensions as regards yourself and others.
  • Practising the essential tools of NVC

Practical exercises in pairs - Role-playing - Feedback from the trainer and participants


Stage 3: Adopting an assertive attitude

  • What is an assertive attitude?
  • How can you ensure that your ‘space' is respected?
  • Recognising defence systems and knowing how to get round them.

Practising verbal aikido;


Stage 4: Dealing with delicate situations and difficult personalities

  • How to adapt to a system of thinking that is different from our own.
  • How to recognise and thwart psychological games?
  • How to deal with resistance from a team?

Role-playing - Discussion

Compétences acquises à l'issue de la formation

  • Formulating tactful requests
  • Restoring trust after a conflict
  • Adapting your behaviour to find a way to cooperate with the other party
  • Listening in an adversarial atmosphere to ease tensions
  • Becoming aware of your own defence strategies in an environment of conflict

Moyens et supports pédagogiques

Educational resources and supports


  • Slide show PPT​
  • Pedagogical Support

Modalités pédagogiques

Educational format

On site : 1 or 2 days 

Remote : 2 or 4  x 3,5 hours workshops viaTeams, GoogleMeet…​

Individual coachings if needed

Modalités d'évaluation et de suivi

Evaluation and monitoring methods


  • Self-positioning by participants on a digital platform shared with the trainer (at the beginning and end of the course)
  • Assessment by the trainer at the end of the course
  • On-the-spot assessment immediately after the course
  • REX - One-hour practice-sharing workshops one or two months after the initial training course
  • Post-training assessment one or two months after the course
  • Performance questionnaire sent to the customer three months after the course

Informations sur l'accessibilité

Feel free to contact us on +33 1 47 66 25 20

M&A-SoftSkills Factory